CPHR-NL News - February 7, 2022 - CPHR NL
Please see our updates below for announcements, events, and career openings.
1) Last Call for Volunteers!
CPHR-NL Mentorship Program: For all information surrounding the CPHR-NL Mentorship Program please check out the link, where Application Forms and Mentorship Program Handbooks can be found.
CPHR-NL Mentorship Program 2022
HR Hotline: CPHR NL has many members who are experts in a variety of HR areas. They also experience or understand many of the workplace challenges many members face on a regular basis. Our new HR Hotline will enable members to access other seasoned member volunteers by phone for advice, support, and as a valuable information resource.
2) Board Member Wanted – Director of Partnerships
The CPHR NL Board is undergoing a small reorganization. A new position is being established, Director of Partnerships. Attached is a description for the position. This position will mostly focus on organizing in-person events. Yes, we do hope to have them again soon. If you are interested, please reach out to the President, Leroy Murphy, at [email protected]
Director of Partnerships – Job Duties
3) Atlantic HR Magazine “PROMPTU” Inviting Submissions
Interested in getting profiled in the next edition of our Atlantic HR Magazine, PROMPTU, by submitting an article? All we need right now is your proposed topic and 1-2 sentences on what you will write about. The theme of the edition is “Navigate Change and Organizational Development.” Final articles are 1500 words and due at the end of April. Attached are the submission guidelines. Send Executive Director Ann Marie Hann an email with your topic ideas only by this Friday, February 11th at [email protected].
4) Two Fitness Providers Offer Price Discounts for CPHR NL Members
The Association is pleased to announce it has entered into partnerships agreements with two fitness providers to offer price discounts for members. These include (i) GoodLife Fitness; and (ii) RESET: breathe.
GOODLIFE FITNESS: National fitness provider Goodlife Fitness is offering CPHR NL members a 15% discount on its membership fee along with free enrollment. Existing GoodLife members can also participate. Simply cancel your existing membership and re-enroll with Goodlife under our corporate program, using your CPHR NL identification number. Your ID # is the same one you were given to register with the Perkopolis affinity program last fall. If you can’t remember your access code, please contact the Association’s Executive Director Ann Marie Hann by email at [email protected] and she’ll provide it to you again.
RESET: breathe: This online fitness program, out of PEI, enables members to receive discounts of 20% on monthly membership fees and 20% off annual membership fees. New classes are offered online each morning at 5:30 a.m. AST, Monday-Friday. Yoga classes are also available at 12:00 AST each week. Simply register online using the following member codes: CPHR10 for a monthly membership or CPHR100 for an annual membership.
For more information on both programs and to register, check out our website here: https://cphrnl.ca/membership-matters/affinity-programs/. As noted below under Events, RESET is also offering a free online wellness session on February 9th (with a registration deadline of Feb 8th).
There are several training opportunities available in the month of February. See the list below.
Feb 7: Supervisory Management Skills Program: Communications & Team Development
Feb 8: Why Perform Social Media Screening on Your Candidates?
Feb 9: Wellness Talk with RESET: breathe (Registration deadline is Feb 8)
Feb 15: Strategies for Building a High-Performing Team
Feb 15: Investing in Employee Development
Feb 17: Strategic Risk Management
Feb 21: Microsoft Excel (Level 2): Executing Data Analysis and Visual Presentation
Feb 22: HR Policy Essentials
Feb 24: Professional Editing Skills & Effective E-Communication
Feb 24: Respectful Workplace Essentials
Interesting Read
Diversity can be defined in many ways. At the Diversity Institute (DI), we focus our efforts on historically disadvantaged groups—women and non-binary individuals, Black people and other racialized people, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals. We also explore the barriers and enablers impacting specific populations, such as immigrants and refugees, marginalized youth, Muslim women, and low-income workers.
Ryerson University has come out with its 2021 Diversity Report. To learn more check out their webpage at: https://www.ryerson.ca/diversity/reports/2021-impact-report/
Or download their report here: Ryerson Diversity Report 2021
Career Openings
To see the latest HR job postings in NL and Atlantic Canada, click here:
This week we wanted to highlight Sobey’s Human Resources Business Partner position, please check out the link below and share.
Sobeys – Human Resources Business Partner
All for now, as always should you have any questions or comments, please email [email protected].