Protect the Public - CPHR NL

Human resources management is a profession on par with other leading professional groups including engineers, accountants and lawyers. In our efforts to advance the profession, protect the public and enhance the value of the CPHR certification to our members, we have embarked on the road to self-regulation.

Self-Regulation will mean that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has recognized that the members of CHRP NL are in the best position to regulate the standards required of the human resources profession, including certification standards and standards of professional conduct.  Professions also protect public interest, such as responding to incompetent practice related to the human resources profession.

Seeking self-regulation is an ambitious goal that will take time. CPHR NL has established a committee to drive this goal, and we believe that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will look favorably on our proposal.

Likewise, the provincial organizations of the other provinces (members of CPHR Canada) are also seeking self -regulation in their respective provinces. It is our united belief that self-regulation across all member associations will strengthen the profession and the CPHR designation in Canada.