What are the benefits of being a CPHR NL member?
What does it cost to be member?
What are the different types of Membership?
How do I become a Member?
How do I obtain CPHR certification?
Do I have to be an HR professional to join?
You do not have to be an HR professional to join. In addition to HR professionals, our membership includes consultants, lawyers, instructors, business owners, students, and professionals from a variety of other disciplines who have an interest in ensuring they have good workplace human resource and people practices.
How long does it take to become a member?
Member benefits will begin immediately upon receipt of membership payment. If you are unable to login to your account after your payment and your application has been processed, please email
[email protected] so we can provide access . Submission of an on-line membership application and payment is the fastest way to activate your membership. Payment via cheque/money order by mail requires up to two weeks, depending on mail delivery schedules. For this reason, we urge people to complete their membership application and payment process online.
Student memberships will become active upon receipt of appropriate documentation verifying proof of student enrollment, such as an unofficial transcript, confirmation of current registration or a letter confirming enrollment details.
Is there a membership discount for students?
Affordable student member rates are available to part-time or full-time students who are (a) enrolled in two or more courses per semester in any degree program at an accredited post-secondary institution or (b) in a continuing education program taking two or more courses per semester toward a certificate or diploma in Human Resources Management (Captus Press Academic Program courses do not qualify).
Internationally educated professionals in Human Resources enrolled in a career bridging program, Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program at a recognized post-secondary institution, or immigrant-serving agency also qualify for the student member rate.
What is considered proof of enrollment?
Proof of current student status can consist of either an unofficial transcript, confirmation of current registration or a letter confirming enrollment details. Please note that all documentation must be on the institution’s official letterhead and include your name, program title and course details.
Do I have to be a member to attend a meeting or development sessions?
All of our meetings, development sessions and events are generally open to everyone who wishes to participate. However non-members are charged a higher fee to attend. This is a good opportunity to network with a variety of human resource professionals working in the province. Check the events calendar on our website regularly to keep up to date on sessions and events being offered.
How do I renew my membership each year?
Your membership comes up for renewal every year on the 1
st of January.
Our membership year runs January 1 to December 31. Membership renewal begins with the issuance of a membership invoice in November. Membership payments are due by January 31 of the following year. Late fees may apply for members renewing after January 31. Payment can be completed online using a Mastercard or VISA credit card or by mailing a cheque or money order to the office address at PO Box 21454, St. John’s, NL, A1A 5G6. Your membership is considered renewed and your account in good standing when your invoice is paid.
I am moving. Can I transfer my membership to another HR Association?
Your membership is not transferable across provincial associations, and you will have to formally register with the association in the province to which your are moving. Your CPHR certification status is transferable in many provinces. Several provincial associations have a transfer policy generally similar to Newfoundland. Please refer to our
transfer policy for some guidelines on what you might expect to discuss with other associations.
Do you provide a membership directory?
Our searchable directory is online and accessible only to members by logging in through the Members Area of our website.
Do I need to maintain my membership in order to keep my designation?
Yes. To remain designated as a CPHR or CPHR Candidate, you must maintain membership in good standing with CPHR NL. You can find more information about the requirements for maintaining your designation
How do I become more involved with CPHR NL?
We welcome you to participate in as many programs, events and initiatives as CPHR NL offers. If you’re interested in volunteering on a committee, have suggestions for the association, or would be interested in joining the Board of Directors, please contact the Director of Membership at
[email protected] or the Executive Director at
[email protected].