
CPHR National Knowledge Exam Prep Course - April 8-9, 2017 - CPHR NL

The next National Knowledge Exam prep course is scheduled for April 8-9, 2017. The registration deadline is March 31, 2017.

NKE Prep Courses

CPHR NL is pleased to offer our CPHR NKE Preparatory Session again. This program, developed by the British Columbia Human Resources Management Association is now the official NKE preparatory program provided by five provincial HR associations including CPHR NL.

This two-day course is designed to help you consolidate the knowledge you already have and – more importantly – identify where you need to focus additional studying in order to be successful in the National Knowledge Exam.

During this interactive workshop, you will receive, review and discuss important HR theory for each competency area. You’ll also receive the RPCs, terms, definitions and sample exam questions, which will enable you to identify and rectify knowledge gaps.

It has not yet been determined if a course will be offered in during the fall. This may depend on the number of exam registrations.

DATE: April 8-9, 2017

LOCATION: Faculty of Business – MUN Campus – St. John’s, NL



  • Members – $390+HST
  • Student members – $300+HST
  • Non members – $450+HST

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: March 31, 2017, including payment of fees through the CPHR NL website.


  • The structure and format of the CPHR knowledge exam – components and weightings
  • An overview of the body of knowledge covered by the exam
  • To apply the knowledge using sample questions and group activities
  • How to design and implement an individualized learning plan


  • A 300+ page manual containing concepts, terminology, principles, legislation and practices from the eight discipline areas covered in the exam
  • Eight glossary exercises (over 350 terms and definitions) you can use to enhance your understanding of HR terminology
     over 400 sample questions
  • Lunch and nutrition breaks during the sessions

TO REGISTER: Please complete the registration form here and pay your course fee by March 31, 2017.  

If you are unavailable for the CPHR NL sessions, but would like to take a course online, there is a course offered by the company Captus. Details about their course can be found at